May we suggest?

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A night view of a snowy city street with a bench, lamps, and some distant trees. Standing centrally is a red, vintage tramcar without wheels. The houses under the black sky providing the background are basked in artificial lighting.
delicious local food

Are cafés Małopolska’s pubs?

Whatever good there has ever been in pub culture is alive in the Kraków cafés. The concept that discussing everything that matters over a cup of steaming infusion of ground coffee beans was born in the head of a Pole, even if residing in Vienna, and he was provided with beans by the King of Poland, therefore it’s only right to say that we are the ones who gave the world café culture. More

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A young couple with a small child are walking briskly in the Main Market Square in Kraków. There is a flock of pigeons on the square's floor behind them on the right, the Town Hall Tower peers from behind the man’s shoulder, while the Cloth Hall provides the background for the woman. It is a sunny day, and the setting sun is casting long shadows.
amazing culture

Kraków: a multi-faceted UNESCO gem.

In 1978, UNESCO, a UN agency promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in arts and culture, published its original list of just one hundred World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites scattered all around the globe. One of them was the city centre of Kraków encompassing the Jewish district of Kazimierz. However, UNESCO did not stop at that as it granting Kraków the title of UNESCO City of Literature in 2013. More

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A view of a white plate with three pieces of fish on an elegantly set table. The dish is garnished with green sprigs and some vegetables. The woman sitting behind the table is rising her hand with a pitcher and pouring some sauce over her fish. A blurred glass of white wine is standing on the right in the foreground.
delicious local food

Gourmet time in Małopolska!

No fewer than 36 places serving food in Kraków have teamed up for the Restaurant Week. As the chefs’ design ingenuity and practical talents combine to present you with the most delicious novelties and unique takes on all-time favourite dishes, why don’t you book a table (best done online, ahead of your visit) and let yourself be treated to the delicacies of the Restaurant Week’s special menus? More

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A view of two hands cutting off a cluster of red grapes against the background of out-of-focus grass.
delicious local food

Long time no seed: grape harvest in Małopolska.

These were monks who introduced grapevine to Małopolska in the early Middle Ages. Vineyards thrived through centuries, though they were plagued by cold periods, natural disasters, and wartime damage. Later the drab Orwellian days of the people’s republic under the communist thrall were ruthless to viniculture, as this “bourgeoisie invention” was by all means inappropriate class-wise. Little wonder that the region’s wine production, hailed for centuries for its excellence, dried up. More

Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: