May we suggest?

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A view up the hill, whose slope is due taken up by rows upon rows of simple nameless graves with roofed wooden crosses. The tower of the cemetery chapel visible at the top of the hill in the background is surrounded by a cluster of trees.

Echoes of 1914–18: visiting First World War heritage.

War made nobody great but the war of 1914 was deemed one to put an end to all the wars anywhere around the world. This is perhaps why it was soon dubbed “world war” and, when time proved the assertion wrong, was renamed the First World War. In 1914–18, thousands of British soldiers were spilling blood in the fields of Western Europe, as commemorated by plaques and regimental flags in nearly all parish churches. Many of the bloodiest and most prolonged battles raged on the Eastern Front that long ravaged eastern Małopolska. More

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A young man standing behind a sophisticated camera is holding a cordless mike, perhaps asking a question. Groups of people sitting on deck chairs in front of a white tent form the background.

Mastercard OFF CAMERA: Message Matters.

The 17th Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema is slated for 26 April – 5 May 2024. Which means that this international festival has evolved for the last sixteen years. In all that time, it’s remained faithful to its purpose: to present and comment on global developments. Thus, it’s only to be expected that this year’s edition will touch upon the current wars and pushbacks. More

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All the walls inside a wooden church are decorated with lush colourful murals, and various types of pews stand on its floor. Both the side altars are concealed behind large fabrics showing scenes from the Way of the Cross. The third one is suspended from the rood beam in the centre of the church.

Medieval history glimpsed through the Lenten veil.

In the Middle Ages, Lent, known especially in the East as the Great Fast, was a time of deep reflection and mourning, as people focused on the Passion of Christ. All forms of entertainment were prohibited, organs in churches fell silent, flower decorations were forbidden, as were weddings and other celebrations of joy. Many communities adopted the practice of visually separating the congregation from the most sacred spaces of the church. More

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A colourful procession is going up Grodzka street. The person in the centre is walking among a crowd of people and carrying a large colourful star on a tall pole. There are some buildings on the left, and Wyspiański Pavilion and a huge Christmas tree on the right.

Following the Yonder Star.

The Feast of the Epiphany on 6 January, known in Poland as the Three Kings’ Festivity – Święto Trzech Króli – has sparked many customs in Małopolska. Recently, their number has been joined by big parades in the cities and towns. And Kraków boasts as many as three of them each year. More

Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: