May we suggest?

Come to the relaxed side. We have mineral springs!
As many of us may feel downtrodden after dismal gloom of winter with its Blue Mondays, may we perhaps tempt you to taking a few years off your back, adding some healthy springiness to your step, and – why not – brightening your spirit, and that not necessarily by brightening your skin tone? More

Cycling comfortably in Małopolska.
Have you heard of VeloMałopolska? It is a system of top-quality cycle routes that meets the European EuroVelo standard. Over 600km out of the 1000km of routes planned in the Małopolska Region have been upgraded and built to this highest of standards. More

Małopolska food (and drink).
Did you know that, over 650 years ago, Mikołaj Wierzynek, a Kraków merchant, hosted the Holy Roman Emperor (who at the same time was King of Bohemia) and three other kings from Poland, Hungary, and Cyprus, at least five princes and all the lesser margraves and barons. We cherish the tradition and eagerly host and entertain more than kings. More

Małopolska heritage appreciated.
A quick glance at the list of World Heritage sites in Poland shows that every other of the nearly 30 sites listed by UNESCO in Poland, including the first three sites inscribed on the list, is in Małopolska. More
Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: