May we suggest?

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A thick young crowd are leisurely seated in deckchairs in the open at the foot of Forum Przestrzenie. In the background, a great Ferris wheel stands against a sunset.
amazing culture

A hipster’s guide to Kraków.

Can you to escape the burden and the context of history in one of the two cities UNESCO recognised world Heritage? The answer is “Yes, of course”, all you need is to move away from the districts that are inescapably bound with history. More

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A group of people men and women dance in the street, holding hands. A high brightly lit stage stands in front of the brick building in the background. The TV wall on the right shows a man playing the trumpet.
amazing culture

Jewish Culture Festival and beyond.

Małopolska, like a lens, brings together the centuries of Jewish life in Poland. Never failing to honour the victims of the Holocaust, it cherishes the memory of the centuries when the two cultures – Christian and Jewish – coexisted, strongly emphasising the significance of the Jewish culture born in the region and radiating from it. More

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Lines of stalls with fruits, eggs, and vegetables running upwards from the bottom right corner. Arranged in flat boxes on them are peaches, blueberries, strawberries, and sweet and sour cherries. There are shoppers in the blurred background behind them.
delicious local food

Fantastic food and where to find it.

A city of a million must have its food markets. Some have made their way to guidebooks, others are little spaces known only in the neighbourhood; many bask in the fame they’ve earned in the long years of catering to our needs. How about some hints from their connoisseurs? More

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A view of the black gate bearing the inscription Judah Food Market. Standing within the perimeter of the fencing are food trucks with various delicacies standing around clusters of round tables with stools in the centre. Buildings can be seen behind and to the right of the square.
delicious local food

Pro tips for a quick bite.

Street food, making greater and greater ripples all around the world, is nothing new to Kraków. For many locals Obwarzanek krakowski, the tradition-ensconced ring of parboiled and then baked bread is the absolutely favourite snack bought from a stand in the street (Make sure it has Protected Geographical Indication logo.), and eaten either on the way to school or work, or during a break. More

Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: