May we suggest?

Where films are born and celebrated.
UNESCO recognises Kraków in Małopolska a City of Literature, however, with its rich heritage and leisure industry, Kraków offers room for far more than just one art. The movie industry, fondly known in Polish as the “Tenth Muse”, is a goddess the locals bow regularly to. Particularly often during the various film festivals organised in the central city as well as elsewhere in the region. More

Spring Dairy Suggestions.
Even if most poets and romantics have long ago discovered that spring is perhaps the best time of the year, few are the people who realise that it is also the best time to taste fresh cheeses, as this is precisely when cows and sheep, kept indoors in their barns for the winter, come out to graze on the delicate, though already lush, grass. More

Grab your Poles.
With Nordic Walking gaining on popularity, a growing number of its enthusiasts are on the lookout for something different to break the monotony, which this full-body workout may sometimes slip into, and also for a chance to take in the sights (and sounds) of new places. More

Bluff your way into a Polish Easter basket.
Easter, the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, is one of the two greatest religious holidays in Małopolska. One of the symbols of rebirth used throughout the country are eggs. In the days preceding Easter, they used to be meticulously painted into intricate colourful patterns – the pisanki, or dyed into gaudy colours while boiling – the kraszanki. More
Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: