May we suggest?

Kraków Summer Flavours. A Guide.
A tip from a Małopolska: summer hasn’t truly happened until you’ve visited several local ice cream parlours and indulged in your favourite flavours. Believe it or not, many children sneak out of their homes or make long detours on the way home from school to visit their preferred ice cream spots on the first genuinely warm days, which usually occur towards the end of the school year. That is why locals often have such incredible and nostalgic experiences associated with ice cream shops. More

A night like no other.
Every year, select European cities and towns participate in the Night of Museums. Why not choose Kraków/Małopolska this year? More

Plunge into Małopolska.
Why not treat yourself to a bank holiday weekend in Małopolska, a region whose diversity gives you positive surprises at every turn, whether majestic mountains, forests and lakes, unique architecture or simply great food? It provides a wealth of wonderful options to explore great locations, experience a different culture and – in particular – give you a break from the daily grind. It is a region for everyone – the active and the hedonistic alike. The options are many. More

Prized and palatable peasant fare.
If you’ve been fed up with all the sophisticated ideas and dishes of the gourmets, why not take a closer look at the food of the simple folk of the past that has not only survived to this day but is greatly cherished? We promise to boast and brag to you elsewhere about the honourable title of European Capital of Gastronomic Culture that Kraków won in 2019 and extol the city’s 18 restaurants listed by Michelin. More
Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: