May we suggest?

Krynica Winter Wonderland.
Charming atmosphere is the hallmark of Krynica-Zdrój throughout the year, yet it is winter when the spa turns into the snow-clad paradise for connoisseurs and amateurs of winter sports. More

The Tinfoil Marvels of Kraków.
Dazzling with elements of local architecture in more colours than the rainbow has amassed around a minuscule Christ’s Manger, Kraków Nativity Scenes are perhaps the gaudiest element of early December in the city. More

Christmas delicacies and where to find them.
Although Christmas is far from being only about food, studying Polish customs, watching the fairs in market squares, and listening to Poles discussing Christmas, you may start having doubts about that. To help you make up your mind, let us examine a handful (mouthful?) of insider hints. More

Stick Together.
How about joining the 28th IHF World Men’s Handball Championships, an international festival of sport and fun that Kraków and Małopolska are getting ready for in January 2023? More
Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: