May we suggest?

Hiking high in Małopolska’s Majestic Mountains.
Now that the skiing season is (nearly) over, why don’t you treat yourself to an equally vigorous workout which, at this time of year, offers even more magnificent views that are still reminiscent of winter, even if already dominated by the lush spring vegetation sprouting all around you? More

Great walks. Daffodils not guaranteed.
Taking long walks is a great active way of spending time and has been a pastime of the leisured classes since their emergence. Whether you take children with you, the whole family or a group of friends, or you “wander lonely as a cloud” and as William Wordsworth, you will find no boredom if you let your feet walk upon Małopolska’s mountains green and in its valleys among their pleasant pastures. More

The Europa Rally chooses Małopolska for its jubilee venue.
Opening with a blast and panache, the 60th Anniversary of the EUROPA RALLY and the Parade of Nations are coming to the Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków, bringing together caravanning tourists from all over Europe. More

Worth their Weight in Salt (and Sulphur).
In Małopolska, beauty and health care are turning into a truly regional product, and it is not for nothing that the region ranks second in Poland in terms of officially registered health resorts and first in terms of amount, diversity, quality, and use of minerals (mostly dissolved in water) with therapeutic values. More
Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see: