For they are sons, grandsons, and in some cases even five times great-grandsons of the local raftsmen. The trade is passed from one generation to another, and only people from the local villages are allowed to spin their tales guiding the swift vessels down the Dunajec.
You may learn that in the olden days the lofty trees growing here were coveted by the great navies for their ships’ masts. It took courage, strength, and skill to manoeuvre the huge trunks tied together down the rivers to the Baltic shore 1000 kilometres away. The tale mentions all the times the young navigators had shove the rafts off the shallows wading in chilly water, the days when the cords broke, and the nights of highwayman attacks.
Those who completed the journey returned on foot, careful not to spend everything they earned rafting wood. That is why highlander caps are decorated with just one line of small seashells – a proof you’ve been to the shore and returned safely and a reason for the wearer’s pride.
This is just one of the tales that grace the trip, others speak of the origins of the curiously shaped group of rock heads –
But perhaps it’s better to listen to those stories being rafted down the Dunajec. More information and the details about the trip taking you far back into history and into the heart of pristine national park can be found here.