Ideal combination of health, relax and fun.
There is a place that brings together all the modern options for comfort with the stewardship for the traditional, and it is called Bukowina Tatrzańska. As the name suggests, it lies on the knees of the Tatra Mountains.

Take one of the colourful slides to plunge straight into the outdoor pool of the Bukovina Thermal Baths, Poland’s largest swimming pool complex. As the pool temperatures range from 20°C to 36°C (82°F to 97°F), you can have fun in Bukovina in any season. Winters bring that extra thrill when, fully immersed in steaming water, you look at all the snowflakes falling and snow caps covering the beautiful spruces around you.
The baths offer attractions for everyone, ranging from parties in the water to children’s play zone with many swimming pools and slides. By the way, have we mentioned there are eight types of the sauna available?
To make sure all your needs are covered, the baths complex includes the four-star Bukovina Hotel with a restaurant and wellness centre.
As Bukovina Thermal Baths boasts that it belongs to “the world of Highland values”, it offers a wide range of opportunities to meet local culture and traditions. One of them is the Highland Carnival, this year held for the 51st time from 9 to 12 February. With dozens of horse-drawn sleighs jingling the bells, it tempts with songs including Christmas carols, brigand and highwayman dances, and an exhibition of the Tatra shepherds dogs. There’s no better choice for folk lovers.
To learn about even more attractions prepared for you by the Bukovina Resort, click here.
The highlights of the Highland Carnival include unique racing competitions: skijouring and the spectacular kumoterki races of small sleighs with the man (kumotr) controlling the horse with the long reins, and the woman (kumoszka) controlling the sleigh by balancing her body.
A rare attraction held regularly at the Bukovina Thermal Baths is a swimming pool night. And it comes with more surprises than this text can handle. Besides the likely-to-be-there DJs and barpersons, you are likely to chance upon a magician.
The water is mined from the depth of 1.5 miles and brings to the surface more than just heat, as it is rich in sodium, calcium, chloride, potassium, sulphur, magnesium and all the other minerals that make a beneficial impact on more than just your skin, as highly mineralised water has been known to relieve pain, reduce stress, kill bacteria, and strengthen our muscular and bone structures.
To make your life easier, the pronunciation of the crucial attraction of Bukowina Tatrzańska has been anglicised to Bukovina Resort.